
Saddam hussein capture video
Saddam hussein capture video

saddam hussein capture video


The Americans had an outline plan they agreed with the Iraqis even before the capture of Saddam Hussein, for the trial of other members of the regime. There's also been a small demonstration in support of the dictator in his home town of Tikrit, not far from the hideout where American troops found him on Saturday night. The two bombs went off just half an hour apart, a message it seems from the militants that they intend to fight on. The Americans had warned that the violence in Iraq wouldn't stop with the arrest of Saddam Hussein. This is a very difficult issue for the Iraqi authorities and the Coalition. The other big question is whether Saddam Hussein will face the death penalty. We've heard different comments from various members of Iraq's Governing Council, some saying that they would like to see a trial within weeks, others saying that it may take months. They want him in front of them where they can personally settle their scores and vent the anger for a lost generation. They don't want to see him paraded in some distant law court. Yesterday the people of southern Iraq celebrated Saddam's capture, while ashamed at his humiliation. These are places where people literally earned their living from the Ba'athist regime. No surprise there I guess because this is a place where rumour and fact are interchangeable.Īnd no surprise on the locations. There've been a number of demonstrations in places like Fallujah, west of Baghdad, and Tikrit, of small groups of people who refuse to believe that Saddam Hussein has been captured. But here and there, there are also whispers, even in Damascus: If it could happen to Saddam, it could happen to any Arab leader. Syrian television made sure not to show jubilant Iraqis dancing on the streets of Baghdad and Najaf. There's talk of a new era dawning on the region. I've lived in this region all my life and even after Baghdad fell, somehow, I could still not imagine a Middle East without Saddam. More than a day after seeing a haggard looking, dishevelled Saddam Hussein on television, it's still hard to believe that it's really over. We logged their reports during a momentous 48 hours. BBC correspondents around the world reported on the dramatic capture of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

Saddam hussein capture video