
Freeway pro 7.1.1
Freeway pro 7.1.1

  1. #Freeway pro 7.1.1 manual
  2. #Freeway pro 7.1.1 windows 10

gov domain for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) program. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently acquired the. Resources (Technical Support, Training, and More) If this occurs, please contact the IHSDM Support team at for work-around instructions.

#Freeway pro 7.1.1 windows 10

However, the contents of the Help Browser might not display for some users due to Windows 10 security issues.

freeway pro 7.1.1

  • Crossroad ramp terminals at tight diamond interchanges.Īfter downloading/installing IHSDM and opening the software, the IHSDM Help Browser (documentation) can be accessed via Help > Help Browser from the main IHSDM menu.
  • Crossroad ramp terminals at single-point diamond interchanges.
  • Urban five-leg intersections with signal control.
  • Intersections on high-speed urban and suburban arterials (i.e., roadways with speed limits greater than or equal to 50 mph).
  • Rural three-leg intersections with signal control, for both two-lane and multilane highways.
  • Rural and urban three-leg intersections where the through movement makes a turning maneuver at the intersection.
  • freeway pro 7.1.1 freeway pro 7.1.1

  • Rural and urban all-way stop-controlled intersections.
  • IHSDM 2021 enhancements include new crash prediction models for the following intersection types, which were developed under NCHRP project 17-68 (Intersection Crash Prediction Methods for the Highway Safety Manual) for inclusion in the future HSM2:

    #Freeway pro 7.1.1 manual

    To the extent possible, the Crash Prediction Module (CPM) includes a faithful implementation of Part C (Predictive Method) of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials' 1st Edition Highway Safety Manual (HSM) for evaluating rural two-lane highways, rural multilane highways, and urban/suburban arterials, as well as HSM 2014 Supplement materials on freeway segments and freeway ramps/interchanges, and prediction methods for roundabouts and six-or-more lane and one-way urban/suburban arterials (developed under NCHRP Project 17-70 and NCHRP Project 17-58, respectively, and intended for inclusion in the future 2nd Edition HSM (HSM2)). The IHSDM-which supports the Federal Highway Administration's Data-Driven Safety Analysis initiative-includes five evaluation modules (i.e., Crash Prediction, Design Consistency, Policy Review, Traffic Analysis, and Driver/Vehicle), as well as an Economic Analyses Tool. Click the link to download the IHSDM 2021 software release (version 17.0.0 September 2021).

    Freeway pro 7.1.1